Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Download Free Best time to North Halmahera PDF

North Halmahera has the charm of a thorough, ranging from the panoramic beauty of nature especially beaches, history, to culture. If you plan to visit North Halmahera sure what you would want to go in North Halmahera. Whether it is more familiar with local culture or enjoy water sports. Come in March and April to celebrate the birthday Hibua Lamo, North Halmahera custom homes as well as a cultural icon and tourist district. Located in downtown Tobelo, the capital of North Halmahera. Usual peak of the event was held on April 19. The event will include art and cultural performances. Lamo Hibua anniversary celebration in 2009 featuring dance Cakalele never brought 1,000 children and was awarded Muri.

Meanwhile, in June there is the celebration of Open Harvest Wangongira. The celebration was a religious activity is open to harvest. In Wongongira Village, West Tobelo there is a unique rice cultivation, which grew in the river flowing. Alex from the Department of Culture and Tourism, North Halmahera explain the position of rice as a boy in sleep or go with the flow of water rapids. But over time, rice will grow straight out of the water. Some of the gardens belong to the public generally have the same harvest time.

Download Free Best time to North Halmahera PDF. Alex tells the legend behind this unique rice. It is said that based on the story for generations, long ago there was a grandmother who brought saloi or container containing rice. He was on his way home from the river through the rice fields. The grandmother then skidded and he was carrying rice washed down river. Long rice grew up in a river.

There is also a celebration of the bucket Laor in Coral Coast located at Tobelo and Loloda. The event was held five to eight days after the full moon. Laor is a caterpillar that lives in coral beach. These caterpillars feed the local population. Uniquely, laor just emerged from behind the rock once a year at dawn. Bucket means' to take. Typically, laor out of the reef in May. Download Free Best time to North Halmahera PDF.

"Laor taken from disposable filter gauze. Sieve dipped into the water, when the caterpillars arise above the water, the filter is removed. Caterpillars, caterpillars were moved to a sieve," explained Alex. Society will overwhelm the beach from midnight. They scramble catch caterpillars caterpillars because it only appears for a moment.

"Laor appear only for one half hour, then disappeared simultaneously. Why should hurry up and become a bone of contention," said Alex. Residents then fry or cure the laor to be used as a side dish.

North Halmahera also provide suitable spots for diving. Download Free Best time to North Halmahera PDF. Word, a veteran diver who used to dive in North Halmahera and also worked in local government to give advice in good time to dive. He said the third until the seventh month is the month that just because the weather tends to calm and sunny.